Our Mission:

to change the face of cancer in the dayton region.



Our Work

Because of the generosity of our donors, the Gala of Hope Foundation has invested significant resources in the Dayton, Ohio region, and already changed the face of cancer for over 30,000 cancer patients.


Our Motivation

Many in the Dayton, Ohio region are touched by cancer. Practically any resident knows or is acquainted with someone who has or is experiencing cancer. Gala of Hope Foundation is a nonprofit that supports cancer patients, cancer treatment and local cancer research in its drive to send cancer in our region into the sunset.





Event Sponsors

we invite you to Join the Dayton Cancer Care Consortium

The Dayton Cancer Care Consortium is comprised of front-line cancer care case workers, navigators, and resource providers from cancer centers and programs across the Dayton region. Gala of Hope sponsors this listserv to allow members a single link to share and coordinate  services and resources available to cancer patients and families throughout the 14-county Dayton region. If you are among those serving cancer patients in the region, we invite you to join this broad cancer care team who intends the best of care, assuring cancer patients that the Dayton region cares for cancer patients like no other across Ohio or the Midwest.  Gala of Hope reserves the right to monitor membership to assure all members of the interest of every other member.